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Text file containing validation set masks files list (only with MASK=3, 4, 5) Text file containing training set masks files list (only with MASK=3, 4, 5) Text file containing test set external edges files list (only with EDGE=2)

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Text file containing validation set external edges files list (only with EDGE=2) Text file containing training set external edges files list (only with EDGE=2) Text file containing validation set files list Text file containing training set files list Loading Train, Test and Validation Sets Configurations Option Ġ: no verbose, 1: output detailed statistics in the output console List of gpu ids, comma separated list e.g. The following tables provide the documentation for all the options available in the configuration file: General Model Configurations Optionġ: edge model, 2: inpaint model, 3: edge-inpaint model, 4: joint modelġ: random block, 2: half, 3: external, 4: external + random block, 5: external + random block + halfĠ: no non-max-suppression, 1: non-max-suppression on the external edges

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The model configuration is stored in a config.yaml file under your checkpoints directory. Most of network code come from this github repository. scripts/ -path -gpu Code Copyright

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